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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. BTW, ich habe nicht vor, die Apps zu veröffentlichen, das alles ist viel zu sehr an meine eigenen Bedürfnisse und meine Code Basis angepasst, aber falls Interesse besteht, werde ich das für v5 einplanen!
  2. Nein, das ist eine Eigenentwicklung von mir. Damit kann ich Leute einladen und automatisch in Clubs bzw Gruppen platzieren.
  3. Hier gibt es Support zum IPS, Deutschsprachigen Kaffeeklatsch und und und.. Dieses Forum ist für Gäste sichtbar ( Aus SEO Gründen ) und für Mitglieder, die explizit Zugriff angefordert haben bzw einen Einladungscode von mir bekommen haben!
  4. Ehren shared some handy CSS code which one can use to control the position of the widgets on the phone. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/474039-bug-sidebar-position/?do=findComment&comment=2943203
  5. if you encourage an issue like https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/473872-delete-content-task-runs-only-once-a-day/ , you can switch to the cron option ( ACP => System => Advanced Configuration => Task Method ) and create an additional,l new cron job in your cpanal which runs only this one specific task each minute. /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php8.1.0/bin/php -d memory_limit=-1 -d max_execution_time=0 /Users/daniel/Sites/localhost/ips/v4/dev/dev/applications/core/interface/task/task.php 76e173f83f055cd5f887fb9513e030c3 deletecontent
  6. I'm really excited about the new feature/app. It seems it's not going to compete with Moddle & co, but it's powerful enough to start providing courses in your own community.
  7. Somebody at invisioncommunity.com asked how to locate the page where a specific widget is being used. I thought this would be a handy information, so here we go: OK... short long story if anybody else runs into this... If you don't have the Pages App: check your core_widget_areas database table IF you're using IP.Pages: check your core_widget_areas database table check your cms_page_widget_database areas check your blocks ( ACP => Pages => Blocks ) and the cms_blocks database table.
  8. Circle dropped a bomb with their workflows! Woltlab announced, that they're going to remove of the Payment Feature in WoltLab Suite Filebase 6.0 https://www.woltlab.com/community/thread/299253-removal-of-the-payment-feature-in-woltlab-suite-filebase-6-0/ Invision introduced their new deprecation tracker
  9. We have recently removed the ability to edit the core css templates and are advising now to use the custom.css file, which confused people. Here are some common solutions 🙂 Hiding a link based on the URL /* Hide Contact Us Link */ a[href="https://communities.management/contact/"] { display: none; } Hide a specific headline on the clubs list page /* Hide the table header on the clubs directory */ body[data-pagecontroller="directory"] h2 { display: none; } Hide the club homepage menu tab from the club menu /* Hide Clubs Home page link inside a club */ [data-tab="club_home"]:not(.ui-sortable-handle){ display:none; }
  10. If you want to achieve more noticeable, clickable and shareable content on your social media page and on other peoples pages when they link to one of your posts, you really need to use Open Graph images. IPS4 includes support for these, but it's not optimal. Fortunately, there's a fantastic tool in the IPS4 available, which allows your staff members to choose any image within a topic as the one, which will be used for the OG Image. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8838-embed-enhancements-ii/ BTW, if you're using my SEO Essentials Application, it's already built in!
  11. There's an easy way to disable specific modals in your invasion community software => Instead of changing the template, one can use JavaScript to remove the modal attribute:) <script> // Remove modal effect from New Request buttons document.querySelectorAll('[data-ipsdialog][href$="/support/create/"]').forEach( el => { el.removeAttribute('data-ipsdialog'); }); </script>
  12. Some people don't like that there's on automatically added space after the mention tag, so if you continue to write your message, it will look like: which has few valid reasons. If you still don't like it and want a space after the tag, you can add the following code to your custom.css file: :is(.ipsComposeArea,.ipsType_richText) [data-mentionid]{ margin-inline-end: .5em; }
  13. You have probably noticed the colored prefixes here and want them too on your #invision community? That's quite easy to achieve. Take a look at the returned HTML code and copy the data-tag-label code. Then, open your custom.css template and add the following code (of course you'll need to replace the selector with your own. .ipsTag[data-tag-label="invision"] /* Replace this with your selector */ { background-color: blue !important; color: white !important; }
  14. Somebody on invisioncommunity.com asked about a way how to find the topics with most attachments. Here's a query to get the top topics: select id1 as topic_id ,count(*) as total FROM core_attachments_map where location_key = 'forums_Forums' group by id1 order by total desc
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